Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you... Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to Jimie.. Happy Birthday to you.........................
5hb April 2008 - Hari terakhir bagi menerima bayaran Majlis BPY06' Social Nite Gathering yang mengambil tempat The Arch, Taurean Cafe Gadong.. Banyak jua lah BPY06 yang hadir, more than 10 pys. What was more interesting, we also celebrated Jimie's 28th birthday..it was fun and enjoyable. riuh la ha..and thanks to xbpy07, Shahrin who was also joining us and hang out with us, laughed together even we came from different batch. Above all, we discussed about our becoming jeans party, as mentioned will be held on 12th April 2007.
By the way, as mentioned, we celebrated Jimie's birthday and gave him a surprise birthday party even it was very simple but still we had fun and laughed together. hahahahaha...!!!! Jimie also gave away some speech..(mcm rasmi jua ah..wahwahwah).
Owh, thanks to Huda n Diah, even sekajap ja datang but al least they came to 'pay". hahahahaha. and not forgotten to Raman...even he was so busy with work and he can't make it on 12th, but yet he came to give support. Thanks Raman...luv you..hehehehe.
Eh, jgn lupa xyl06. Datang jua membayar la ha and menjenguk sebentar..ok lah..sapa2 saja yang datang? Didie, Yus, Ifwah, Hilman, Hj Saidin, Huda, Diah, Anis, Mar, Wafi, Billah, Jimie, Keedon and fiance and....Shahrin from XBPY07...big applause for him!!!!! thanks dude!!!
Wat else? Picturesssss!!!!!!...hehehehe. Enjoy it!!!
Prepared by Manis
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